Hello, My name is Piahn Pian

I' m a Web Developer

I'm a web developer and I am 16 years. I started coding in NodeJS by creating a server with MongoDB about 2 years ago. While I was learning coding, I created a website server, graphic design, and many more....

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About me

I'm PiahnCp and staff Comp-XTKJ-code

IF the customer is very smart, he or she will be able to achieve the desired result. Ofttimes the desire itself, and the duties, nor the great pleasures of refusal. With just pleasure it is not necessary to assume the blessed, the matter of the praisers, and they leave some by not rejecting them, and whence, as it were, the choice of these pains to often choose, hates the very duties! Anyone who is just expedient as if it were nothing that pain itself pleasures, troubles in.

Birthday : 18 oktober 2007

Age : 16

Website : http://jkthosting.pannelvvip.my.id

Company : node.js Arzulan industri ©2022-2023

Hobby : Coding and sells

MyTele : https://t.me/VionaeS

Comunity : https://discord.gg/558BRq9AJa

country : Indonesia

Website topup
Website Server IP
Bot whatsapp
Website VPS perodaktil


2021 - 2022

Best Official Desainer

an award for being the best official in a company and getting $150/month for each repair/design and used to develop a system and create a company of his own and stopped being an official in 2020 due to busy times and finally stopped.

2022 - 2023

Developer Node.js Arzulan

awards from the node.js industry The Node.js language system connected to the piahn Arzule system creates a system that can download large-scale API systems such as Shyirone, Adiwasjing, Wishisoket, etc. in a system that makes it open source in the language system.

2022 - 2024

Creator Jadibot and Managemen ServerIP

the best creator who created the Jadibot system. Jadibot is a server-based system that is used to create bots that are connected to one server and create 1000px-based software without requiring an additional server and using the Mongodb server. And server management is the science of designing, assembling and repairing system errors and causing bugs on a website or IP server.


2023 - 2024

What is your work experience as a website developer creator?

When I became a web developer, my income for 1 month was around $3 depending on the project, if there wasn't, that's okay. Unfortunately, I don't have the money to develop other projects nasibbbbb.

2013 - 2023

Master in computer science

While studying computers, I also studied the IP Address Server language system and also how to run the operating system on the software and I also learned to design a website or bots. And I also sold several cloud account products such as Microsoft Azure Student Place, Linode. and also sell a vps

2022 - 2023

Company of Header

We have a company called comp-XTKJcode which aims to work together in our respective fields and achieve success and income in our respective fields and we will not collaborate with people who corrupt the company's assets.


Web for Android

We will create a website that can be supported on cellphones so that it can be used by everyone.

Web Developer

we create a website based on HTML, CSS and JavaScript coding languages also connect from one system to another.

Web Desainer

designing a website picture or graphic in a coding system and making it right-aligned.

Coding Language

I make it easier for people who want to learn coding language and I will tell you how websites/bots work 100% code created myself.

Search A Website?

You can search for our site, namely https://piahn.github.io/Piahn/ but it is still under development and may not have added a system yet.

Community Comp-XTKJ-code

A community is always active and always developing a system for our company because our mission to provide convenience for people.


My last Projects :

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+62 882-9496-1496

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Big thanks For You all

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